Saturday, May 29, 2010

Character Bio: Agostine Brynn

One of the key elements of this story is the intersection of Medieval Fantasy and Futuristic Science Fiction.  It all begins with the journeys of Agostine Brynn, a knight and defender of the Kingdom of Aadanea.  In a time long before interstellar travel is even conceivable, Agostine leads his men on a quest to save his Kingdom - a quest that ultimately results in the creation of the future Orb of Azcera. A noble and virtuous knight, Agostine is faced with an internal dilemma as the all-powerful nature of the orb is revealed.  Should he remain loyal to his King who bares the orb, or follow his instinct and seek to destroy it? 

As Agostine's story unfolds, he encounters a bevy of formidable opponents, to include dragons, medusa warriors, and the savage Morrok hoard.  Even more frightening for Agostine however is the reality he must face as he comes to discover his place in history. 

The rest you'll just have to read about... 

It was a true joy for me as an author to write about characters from a time of fantasy and magic.  I have always loved stories of chivalrous heroes and amazing creatures, where anything you could imagine was possible.  For me though, the real joy was to bring those characters and creatures together with my other love, Science Fiction.  How that plays out... well - you guessed it - you'll just have to read about...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Character Bio: Lieutenant Cale Tanner

An officer of the Allied Territory Army, Lieutenant Cale Tanner is head of the Special Ops Team known as the Dregmols.  Husband to Alena and new father to Ashlyn Tanner, Cale struggles with balancing his love of family with his calling as a soldier.  He is as loyal to his unit as they are to him, and is dedicated to upholding the ideals of the Allied Government - a democratic society of planets focused on freedom and equality for its citizens.  His commitment to his duty is only surpassed by his devotion to those dearest to him. 

When writing this character, it was important for me to excentuate Cale's emotional connections with others.  Cale bears the weight of competing priorities, something that most of us face in some way, shape or form in our daily lives.  He must make tough choices, and must deal with the emotional hardship that sometimes results from those choices.  And yet, he always stays true to himself and his core values, even under the most tumultuous of circumstances.  For me, Cale represents a beacon of light in the darkest storm.  He is a the kind of hero that I have always been inspired by - one who faces internal adversity and perseveres, holding his head high no matter what.   

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Character Bio: Kaenac

Introduced in Chapter 6, Kaenac is billed as one of the most dangerous beings in the galaxy. A fugitive of the Allied Government and an assassin-for-hire, Kaenac lives without loyalty to anyone and without remorse for any of his past transgressions. He is guided only by his own skewed morality, which is often barren of virtue. For me, Kaenac is the bad guy you both love & love to hate. He is smart, manipulative, and to put it simply – a real “bad-ass.” Before I even decided to write this book, Kaenac was a character I had dreamt up. I wanted to have a central character that was neither good nor evil in the conventional sense, but rather was simply self-serving. Kaenac is that character. Throughout the book, this alien creature (known as a cendaling) aligns with both heroes and villains as he attempts to fulfill his own objectives. Whether or not he ultimately chooses a side is something you’ll just have to read to find out. If you love bad guys like I do, I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy this character!

Character Bio: Sergeant Loxzana Terrey

One of my absolute favorite characters to write about was Sergeant Loxzana Terrey. The second in command of her Special Ops military unit, Loxzana is a tough-as-nails, take-no-prisoners breed of soldier. She is brash. She is bold. She is the furthest thing possible from a damsel in distress. It was important to me to include strong female characters in this story. For me, Loxzana emulates the characteristics of some of the most impressive women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. A stout and muscular black woman, Loxzana is both edgy and strong-willed, but also has a softer side that comes out with those that she cares about most. Her biting wit and her consistent displays of heroism are just two of the reasons why Loxzana is one of my most beloved characters.

Character Bios

In the coming weeks, I wanted to provide some insights into the characters you will find in this book.  I love these characters and believe you will too.  I am posting the first couple today.  Look for more soon.

Author Insights

One of the things that I loved most about writing this book is that I got to be in the driver’s seat for the first time in my Sci-Fi & Fantasy obsessed existence. Whether reading a novel, watching a movie, or even perusing the occasional comic book, I have always found myself playing out the storyline in my head several steps in advance. At times, I am pleasantly surprised by a writer’s direction, and I walk away feeling fulfilled & even energized by what I’ve just experienced. In many other cases however, I have found myself saying “I wish they would have gone here instead…” or “it would have been so much better if they had done this…” Many of the ideas that have run through my head over the years are the same ideas that went into my book. I always envisioned a story where the world of Medieval Fantasy was brought forward in time into a Futuristic Sci-Fi era - kind of a “Lord of the Rings” meets “Star Wars” setting. Beyond the setting however, the true joy of this book for me was writing the characters. I absolutely love the various personalities found in this book and truly believe that my readers will love them as well. It was incredibly important to me to have compelling and endearing characters that would keep readers wanting to come back for more. Whether it’s the brash yet lovable Sergeant Loxzana Terrey, the virtuous knight Agostine Brynn, or the insidious assassin Kaenac, there is someone for everyone to love (or love to hate) in this story. In writing this book, it was my objective to combine a fascinating environment with great characters and to ultimately tell a truly spell-binding story. While I’ll let you, the reader, judge for yourself how I did, I personally couldn’t be happier with the way this book turned out. Happy reading!

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Google Books

This book is now available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and many more.  Available in Hard Cover, Paperback, & E-Book

Now on sale at Borders

My book is now on sale on Borders!  The Rochester Hills location is carrying this, and it is available on  I am extremely excited.  If the book does well, there is a good likelihood that other locations will carry it.  We are also in discussions about doing some book signings in the very near future.